Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The power of forgiveness

Recently I learnt a very good lesson about forgiveness. I had been holding on to past hurts and was bearing a huge grudge. It just brought a lot of negative energy in my life, because I felt angry and bitter all the time. But then I made a decision to let go.......let go of the pain, anger, hate, resentment and all the negativity.

I can't tell you what a load that was off my shoulders, it's weird but I feel like I can even breath better. I learnt that forgiving someone is not about letting that person get away with hurting you but it's about allowing yourself to live again, it's about healing your own wounds.

One of the authors of 'The Secret' said it best when he said: Not forgiving someone and being bitter is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person will die from it.

'I blame you for nothing, but I forgive you everything' - Mary J. Blige

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