Friday, November 30, 2007


What attracts you to the opposite sex? Is it the looks or the personality.

People will say things like 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' or 'I love him because he has a great personality'(that's code for he's least that's what I say). First impressions last, so what I see will either attract or repel me. That's why I think it's important for people to be neat and tidy(when you can obviously). Ugly or beautiful? that goes according to personal taste, I might like thin guys and a friend of mine will think that big dudes are the 'in thing'.

Anyway I think people's tastes and preferences change as they grow, what I thought was hot is not the same thing as what I think is hot now. So each to his own.....I kind of prefer it that way, coz it means that there's someone for everyone.

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